Eu hoje decidi ficar a manhã no hotel, como ontem não gostei de fazer sky, fiquei a descansar e a ver um filme. Ás 12h fomos almoçar, a comida estava muito boa.
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Almoço - Primeiro Prato |
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Almoço- Segundo Prato |
Assim que acabámos de comer fomos arrumar as coisas, pois tinha-mos de nos vir embora que iria começar uma grande tempestade, ainda lá estávamos quando começou, eu mal conseguia abrir os olhos, a neve vinha de todas as direções.
Chegámos a Hranice eram quase 16h, fomos deixar os skys na escola, e quando voltámos a entrar no autocarro, o motorista fez marcha-a-atrás e meteu o autocarro numa zona de muito gelo e depois de tanto tentar arrancar o autocarro ficou atacado, então viemos a pé desde a escola secundaria até ao hotel, foi muito rápido andámos cerca de 10 min.
Como viemos antes do tempo planeado, fomos comer ao mesmo sitio do primeiro dia, e comemos o mesmo, a comida aqui é realmente boa.
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Jantar |
Depois do jantar vim para o quarto ver um bocado de anime e descansar.
Early Return to Hranice
Today I woke up at 7h, we had planned to have breakfast at 8h, since we didn’t want to be late we decided to wake up early.
I decided that I would spend the morning in the hotel, since I didn’t like skiing, I stayed in watching a movie and resting. At 12h we went for lunch, which was really good.
As soon as we finished eating we went to pack our things, we had to leave the resort as a big snowstorm was expected. We were still at the resort when the storm started, I could hardly open my eyes, the snow came at all directions.
We arrived at Hranice at 16h, and took our loaned skis back to the school. When we came back to the bus, the driver backed onto some black ice, and after trying so many times, the bus got stuck. We wound up walking back to the hotel, it was quite close by it only took us 10 min to walk it.
Since we arrived earlier than expected, we all went to eat at the same place we had eaten at on our first day, we ate the same, the food there is really good.
After dinner I came back to the room to watch a movie and rest.
Deve ser mesmo boa essa comidinha :)