Hoje iniciámos uma nova aventura , marcámos o encontro no aeroporto de Faro ás 4:00 da manhã para irmos até Lisboa, e ai é que iniciámos a nova viagem ás 6:00 da manhã com paragem em Lisboa, onde estivemos até ao meio dia para apanhar-mos o voo que nos levava para a Rep. Checa.
A viagem foi um bocado longa, tinha uma duração de 4:30h, e nesse tempo de viagem eu vi uma série e descansei um bocado pois estava um pouco cansado, já que tinha dormido pouco tempo.
Infelizmente não tivemos a oportunidade de ver a igreja de Týn, pois estava fechada.
Igreja de Týn |
Como ainda era cedo fomos ver o relógio astronómico onde vimos um espectáculo de 20 sec muito engraçado.
Depois disso fomos à procura do monumento Frank Kafka, mas enganá-mo-nos e fomos ter à ponte Čechův most onde tínhamos uma vista fenomenal para o castelo de praga.
Depois fomos ao supermercado comprar o jantar pois não tivemos muito tempo para ver restaurantes, de seguida fomos para o hotel onde comemos e ficámos o resto da noite.
Antes de dormir tive a ver Maze Runner com o Marcos e de seguida fomos dormir.
Pois foi um dia muito cansativo, mas eu gostei muito da viagem.
The first day in rep.checa
Today we started a new adventure, we scored the match at Faro airport at 4:00 in the morning to go to Lisbon, and there is that we started new journey at 6:00 am stopping in Lisbon, where we were until midday to take them to me the flight that would take us to the Rep. Czech.
The trip was a bit long, had a duration of 4: 30h, and in that time trip I saw a series and rested a bit because I was a bit tired, as had slept little time.
It was 16:45 when we got to Prague, we left the airport to catch a mini-bus that would take us to the hotel where we will stay until Sunday, we left the bags and went for a walk to get to know more about the city of Prague.
Unfortunately we have not had the opportunity to see the Tyn Church, as was closed.
As it was still early we went to see the astronomical clock where we saw a really funny 20 sec show.
After that we went in search of the monument Frank Kafka, but deceive mo us to and we went to have to bridge Cechuv most where we had a phenomenal view of the Prague Castle.
Then we went to the supermarket to buy dinner because we did not have much time to see restaurants, then went to the hotel where we eat and were the rest of the night.
Before bed I had saw Maze Runner with Marcos and then went to sleep.
Because it was a very tiring day, but I really enjoyed the trip.
que lindo que isso e filho :)